Monday, February 1, 2010

One beautiful spring morning, Jorge Del Putin was making his way through the streets of Dubai, strolling with a beautiful smile on his face. What many people do not know about Jorge is that he is the worlds best assassin! The unique skill that he possesses that helps him to be the best is his charming looks and look of innocence that makes people think "awww he couldn't hurt a flea!!" Also he has been in the business of killing for so many years that he no longer needs weapons to kill, but can use his own body as a weapon and even kill a man with his pinky toe!!
So as Jorge is walking around, going on his merry way, he is secretly harboring a mission that he was sent on to kill the President of Dubai, Ali Baba Ketcha Papa (the father of all men as he is called). Jorge casually pulls out a book from his back pocket and starts reading it while he walks. This is a ploy to make people think that he is really not paying attention to details or anything while he is walking. In actuality, in a matter of seconds Jorge took in every minute detail from the baker down the street cussing out his employee in Latin, to a bumble bee attacking a little child a mile down the road. At the same time, Jorge was soaking in every word his book, You Too Can Be Beautiful. But suddenly for the first time, Jorge is surprised as an atomic bomb smashes into the central streets of Dubai, obliterating everything in its path including the worlds best assassin... The look you see in this picture is the look of surprise that Jorge had on his face. The last words that he ever read were "If you are reading this book, you are really a loser...." And so passed away Jorge Del Putin..!!

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